Keywords: tourism, tourism theory, tourism science, interdisciplinary direction


Modern world tourism is an extremely rich in content and manifestations of socio-economic phenomenon. Given this, the article analyzes the main stages and trends in the development of tourism science. The meanings of the concepts "tourism", "tourism science", "tourism" are analyzed. The preconditions for the emergence of the theory of tourism are investigated. Many scientists have made a significant contribution to the creation and development of tourism science, so the study examines the approaches of scientists to the name of the complex of tourism sciences. Publications of domestic and foreign scientists on the science of tourism are analyzed. The growing role of tourism in the economic, social and political life of society requires a theoretical understanding of this phenomenon, so the importance of tourism for modern society. It was found that tourism gradually found its place in the subjects of many sciences, which in turn contributed to the expansion and harmonization of its own subject. Based on this, it is indicated when and how tourism began to emerge as a science. Given the opinion of most scientists who believe that today we can talk about the existence of not a separate science, but a system of applied sciences of tourism in the study substantiates the place of tourism theory in the structure of tourism as an interdisciplinary field. The views of Ukrainian scientists on the state and development of tourism science are also described separately. It is determined that the most important component of tourism is the theory of tourism, and the above considerations give us reason to make such a generalization: tourism is not a separate science, but a scientific interdisciplinary direction or a set of activities. Analyzing the current stage of development of tourism and tourism theory, it is found that the scientific nature of the system of knowledge about tourism is deepening; in research of tourism the new scientific device for the account of application of modern methods of mathematics, informatics, statistics is used; the accumulation of new knowledge about tourism as an important phenomenon of public life continues; there is a unification of tourist terminology and methods of statistical observations and research in tourism. Based on the study, conclusions were made about the current stage of development of tourism and tourism theory.


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How to Cite
Liuta, D., Sydoruk, A., & Tovstopyatko, F. (2021). TOURISMOLOGY AS A MODERN INTERDISCIPLINARY DIRECTION OF TOURISM RESEARCH. Economy and Society, (29).