Keywords: agricultural extension, consulting, agriculture, rural areas, sustainable development


The article analyzes the current state of agricultural extension in Ukraine in the context of multifunctionality of small agribusiness and identifies the prospects for its development. It is emphasized that small agricultural enterprises play a much greater role than just the production of agricultural products. They perform a number of important socially significant functions that are critical for the sustainable development of rural areas and the preservation of national identity. These functions include: ensuring the preservation of rural areas as an important element of the national space and cultural heritage; supporting biodiversity, which contributes to the preservation of natural ecosystems and landscapes; and contributing to the improvement of the standard of living and quality of life of rural residents by creating jobs, providing social infrastructure and activating local communities. It is noted that small agricultural enterprises are the basis of socio-economic stability of rural regions and play a key role in ensuring the realization of the goals of rural sustainable development. The article focuses on an important current trend - the transition from the traditional paradigm is recognized as an economically viable alternative, primarily for small agricultural producers. The transition to a multifunctional paradigm is not only economically feasible but also a socially responsible step that contributes to the sustainable development of rural areas. The author analyzes the structure of agricultural extension in Ukraine and reveals the insufficiency of their focus on supporting the multifunctionality of small agribusiness. The necessity of expanding the areas of agricultural extension in the context of multifunctionality of agribusiness to expand the range of activities is substantiated. It is noted that at present, agricultural extension should cover not only agricultural production, but also other areas, such as rural tourism, excursions, tastings, organization of master classes, etc. It is proposed to involve research and teaching staff of higher education institutions in order to expand the areas of agricultural extension and to ensure a comprehensive approach. It is noted that the directions for further research are scientific substantiation, organizational and methodological support of agricultural extension in the context of financial market development.


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Zinchuk T, Kutsmus N, Prokopchuk O, Lagodiienko V, Nych T, Naumko Y. Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the Reality of Globalization Crisis. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology. 2021;22(1):51-59. doi:10.12912/27197050/132094.

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