The purpose of the article is to research the methods of analyzing the activity of trade enterprises and evaluate their effectiveness and relevance in the conditions of the modern business environment to improve the efficiency of management of these enterprises. The research methodology includes theoretical analysis of scientific sources in relation to existing methods, analysis of primary and secondary data by evaluating financial statements of enterprises, application of statistical and economic-mathematical methods for information processing, research of modern information systems for automation of analysis, evaluation of the effectiveness of analysis methods. The article discusses modern approaches and methods of analyzing the activity of trading enterprises, which allow to gain a deep understanding of their financial and economic. The practical toolkit used for the analysis of trading enterprises, including financial indicators, marketing research, risk assessment and analysis of internal business processes, is studied. It was determined that the application of such methods allows to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, to determine the reserves of efficiency improvement and to develop strategies for further development. It has been proven that one of the key aspects of analysis is information provision, which includes data collection, processing and analysis. At the same time, the importance of quality information support, which is the basis for comprehensive and accurate analysis, is affirmed. Modern information technologies and software products used to automate the process of analysis of trade enterprises are considered. The practical significance of the article lies in the formation of recommendations for improving the methods of analysis of trade enterprises and improving information support. The application of these recommendations will help increase the competitiveness of enterprises, their financial stability and adaptation to changes in the external environment. The conclusions define the need for continuous improvement of analysis methods and information support to ensure the sustainable development of trade enterprises in the conditions of a dynamic market environment.
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