Keywords: digitalization, cloud platforms, business processes, accounting, business development, ERP-systems


The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of digitization of accounting as an important tool for ensuring effective business development by integrating digital solutions into the enterprise management system. The research methodology is based on the application of a comprehensive approach, which includes the analysis of scientific sources, an overview of modern digital technologies in accounting, and an empirical analysis of the implementation of digital tools in business. The first stage of the research involved a theoretical analysis of the literature to determine the key aspects of digitalization of accounting. At the second stage, the practical impact of digital technologies on accounting processes and business management was investigated. Thanks to this approach, effective digitization strategies have been identified, contributing to the optimization of accounting operations and increasing the overall efficiency of the enterprise. The article examines the peculiarities of the development of digital technologies in the accounting system of the enterprise, which is an important factor in increasing the efficiency of business management in conditions of intensive technological development. It was determined that the implementation of digital solutions in accounting processes allows you to automate operational tasks, reduce the amount of manual work, and increase the accuracy and timeliness of analytical data processing. It has been found that the digitalization of accounting contributes to the improvement of control over the company's financial flows, ensuring the transparency of accounting operations and prompt response to changes in market conditions. The main approaches to the digitization of accounting related to the integration of cloud accounting platforms, the introduction of artificial intelligence and the use of analytical tools for forecasting business processes are considered. The possibilities of using big data and machine learning to increase the analytical power of accounting systems have been studied. It has been proven that digitalization of accounting is a necessary condition for effective business development, as it allows business entities to adapt to changes in the business environment, ensure competitiveness and quickly respond to market dynamics.


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How to Cite
Talakh, T., & Holiachuk, N. (2025). DIGITIZATION OF ACCOUNTING TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (71). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2025-71-12