Keywords: tourism cluster, regional policy, competitiveness, clustering, economic development, infrastructure, social capital


The article explores the development of tourism clusters as a strategic direction of regional policy. The relevance of the study is determined by the increasing role of tourism in regional economic development, job creation, infrastructure modernization, and socio-cultural progress. However, the effectiveness of the tourism industry largely depends on its ability to adapt to modern challenges, including global competition, technological advancements, and crisis phenomena. The cluster approach is considered an effective tool for enhancing the competitiveness of regional tourism systems by fostering collaboration among enterprises, optimizing resource utilization, and stimulating innovation. The study applies a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, including comparative analysis, systematization, and structural-functional assessment. A systematic approach is used to evaluate the integration of tourism clusters within regional economies, while expert assessment helps identify key factors influencing their development. The research also employs case study analysis to examine the practical implementation of tourism cluster models in various regions, particularly under conditions of external instability. The findings highlight the fundamental principles of tourism cluster formation, including integrative development, systemic organization, resource orientation, socialization, and self-organization. The research identifies seven key stages in the lifecycle of a tourism cluster, from the initial emergence of tourism potential to the establishment of inter-cluster networks. Special attention is given to the challenges faced by tourism clusters in times of economic and security crises, particularly in Ukraine. The study reveals that despite significant disruptions, certain tourism clusters remain operational and continue to adapt through diversification, digital transformation, and strengthened collaboration between public and private stakeholders. The case of the Lviv tourism cluster exemplifies an adaptive model that can be replicated in other regions, demonstrating resilience and flexibility in crisis management. The practical significance of the study lies in its recommendations for policymakers and business stakeholders regarding the optimization of tourism cluster development. The research provides a framework for integrating tourism clusters into regional development strategies, emphasizing the importance of innovation, sustainability, and multi-sectoral cooperation. The findings can be applied to improve regional tourism management, strengthen international competitiveness, and foster economic resilience in volatile environments.


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How to Cite
Holod, A., Kryzhanivskyi, T., & Dudash, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM CLUSTERS AS A STRATEGIC DIRECTION OF REGIONAL POLICY. Economy and Society, (70).