The article reflects the importance of adhering to ethical norms in the field of advertising management in marketing management and aims to analyze their key problems that arise as a result of violating ethical norms in these areas in the economic activities of domestic enterprises today. The role of ethics in the marketing management of enterprises and the principles of its formation are determined. Examples of ethical manifestations in advertising and marketing management of Ukrainian enterprises are given, which demonstrate the experience of successful implementation of ethical practices in marketing management. During the research, the most relevant challenges of marketing activities were outlined, such as ensuring data confidentiality, avoiding manipulative techniques, overcoming pseudo-ecological practices (greenwashing), observing ethics in advertising for vulnerable groups of consumers, and implementing the principles of social responsibility and transparency. At the same time, attention is focused on the fact that Ukrainian enterprises face additional difficulties caused by the state of war, such as emotional exhaustion of personnel, personnel shortage, the need to take into account requests for security and adaptation of veterans, which requires special attention to the moral aspects of doing business. In such conditions, the role of ethical marketing, focused on the support of local communities and the implementation of socially significant initiatives, is growing. Ethical challenges require constant control and adaptation of marketing strategies to the conditions of existence. Proposals are provided for reviewing and adapting the marketing strategies of enterprises by introducing new ethical advertising technologies and approaches in order to create a positive brand image and maintain long-term relations with consumers, bypassing the listed challenges. All proposals were submitted in 7 areas, such as social responsibility, sensitivity, countering disinformation, ethical codes, supporting local communities, adapting to global challenges and innovative tools. Scientific results from their implementation are provided for each proposal. This approach will allow businesses to maintain their reputation, adapt to difficult conditions and support communities.
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