The article considers the procedure for formation of accounting and analytical information in terms of formation of taxation objects in agricultural households. The purpose of the article is to determine the composition and content of accounting and analytical information for the formation of taxation objects by various types of taxes and fees in agricultural households. The study is based on the application of general scientific methods: systematisation, logical, analytical, induction, deduction, as well as methods of theoretical generalisation, classification and grouping; the results of the study are presented using the graphical method. It is established that agricultural households independently choose the optimal form of accounting (simple form; simplified form; general journal and order form) and the taxation system (general, simplified), on the basis of which a clear and correct recording of the results of activities and the formation of taxable objects should be ensured. It is substantiated that, in addition to accounting information, non-accounting information is also used to form taxable objects in agricultural households. It is emphasised that information and analytical information for determining the objects of taxation by taxes and fees is supplemented by information and reference databases. The publication presents the composition of accounting and analytical information depending on the specifics of agricultural households' activities and taxation objects: primary accounting documents, analytical and synthetic accounting registers, various types of reporting, analytical worksheets, registers of all types of contracts, including property contracts, title documents, reference books and databases of state authorities, etc. The paper focuses on accounting and analytical information on determining the object of taxation for income tax, value added tax, personal income tax, military duty, and unified social tax. It is emphasised that the use of the software will facilitate the coverage of all business processes of the agricultural household that affect the calculation of taxes and fees.
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