The article analyzes the challenges and prospects of Ukraine’s economic recovery amid the ongoing war and in the post-war period. It highlights the urgent need for industrial modernization, adaptation to European standards via the "industrial visa-free regime" (ACAA), and harmonization of regulatory frameworks to accelerate Ukraine’s integration into European economic and technological processes. The focus is placed on developing green energy, creating jobs, relocating businesses, and fostering innovation. Drawing on Germany’s post-war recovery experience, particularly the Marshall Plan, the study adapts these lessons to Ukraine’s realities, emphasizing democratic governance, social stability, and investment in high-tech industries. The role of international cooperation, EU financial mechanisms, and the expansion of exports to European markets is considered fundamental to Ukraine’s long-term economic resilience. Strengthening Ukraine’s participation in global value chains is seen as essential for sustainable recovery. A crucial aspect of the analysis is the ACAA agreement, which will allow Ukraine to align industrial standards with EU regulations, reducing trade barriers and boosting exports. EU programs, such as the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), provide financial support for industrial recovery, digital transformation, and infrastructure projects. Additionally, Ukraine’s engagement in European initiatives like the Net Zero Industry Act and the European Critical Raw Materials Act creates new opportunities for supplying strategic resources such as lithium and titanium to the EU. The article also emphasizes the importance of regional economic adaptation, including business relocation, housing development, and labor market integration. The findings suggest that Ukraine’s economic recovery depends on comprehensive reforms in governance, industrial policy, and international trade. Implementing European production standards will enhance Ukraine’s economic resilience and competitiveness. By prioritizing industrial modernization, digitalization, and green energy, Ukraine can rebuild its economy on a foundation of sustainability and innovation, securing long-term growth within the European and global economic landscape.
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