Keywords: gamification, e-commerce, customer acquisition, loyalty, interactive elements, marketing, business processes, small and medium-sized businesses, loyalty programs, technical resources


The article considers the impact of gamification on the efficiency of e-commerce, in particular on the attraction and retention of customers, as well as the assessment of the effectiveness of the application of gamification elements in the business processes of enterprises. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the implementation of gamification in e-commerce, to study the basic methods and strategies of using game elements to improve the customer experience. Methods of analysis of scientific works, empirical research through surveys of small and medium-sized businesses of Vinnytsia region, as well as analysis of the application of gamification on examples of successful companies are used. The study uses the analysis of literature and publications in the field of gamification in e-commerce, methods of interviewing and interviewing entrepreneurs, as well as the study of real examples of the use of gamification elements in enterprises. The survey analyzed 23 small and medium-sized businesses of Vinnytsia region to determine their attitude to gamification, the availability of implemented elements and plans for the future. The results of the study showed that at the time of the survey, only 26% of enterprises already used gamification, while 52% of enterprises announced their intention to introduce it in the future. It is revealed that the main reasons for non-use are lack of knowledge and experience, low demand among customers and insufficient resources. However, the majority of entrepreneurs recognized the importance of gamification to increase customer loyalty (55%) and improve interaction with the brand (50%). It was also noted that among the obstacles to the introduction of gamification, high cost and uncertainty of efficiency are important. Gamification is a powerful tool for attracting and retaining customers in e-commerce. It helps to improve the customer experience, increase the motivation to buy and increase the level of loyalty. Gamification promotes emotional attachment to the brand and stimulates user activity on platforms.


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How to Cite
Yanchuk, T., & Furman, T. (2024). GAMIFICATION IN E-COMMERCE: A NEW WAY TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS. Economy and Society, (70).