Keywords: corporate ethics, corporate culture, code of corporate ethics, enterprise, employee behavior, enterprise potential


The article offers a comprehensive analysis of corporate culture as an important factor in the success of a modern enterprise. Based on theoretical provisions and empirical data, the author develops practical recommendations for managers on the formation and development of a positive corporate culture, which contributes to increasing business efficiency and ensuring its competitiveness. The article examines the role of corporate culture as a strategic tool for achieving sustainable competitive success of enterprises. Based on an analysis of the literature and empirical data, the author examines the impact of corporate ethics on the effectiveness of management, attracting and retaining personnel, as well as on the formation of a positive image of the company. Particular attention is paid to the role of corporate culture in the context of modern challenges, such as globalization and digital transformation. This article aims to analyze the role of corporate ethics as an effective tool for managing a modern enterprise and assess its impact on business development, which led to the solution of the following main tasks: to reveal the essence of corporate ethics; to clarify the meaning of corporate ethics as an effective tool for managing an enterprise; to argue the purpose of the code of corporate ethics as a regulator of social relations in the labor sphere. The evolution of the concept of corporate ethics from its inception in the 20th century to modern realities is studied. Attention is focused on the fact that modern corporate ethics is not just a set of rules, but a set of values aimed at environmental protection, social responsibility and compliance with the law. It is proven that the main categorical principles of corporate ethics are openness, business acumen and compliance with legal norms. Practical recommendations are also offered for the development and implementation of codes of corporate ethics. It is emphasized that the success of the code depends on how much it meets the real needs of the company and is integrated into its corporate culture. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of the company's activities, identify key values and develop clear and understandable rules of conduct. It is also important to provide mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the code and ensure its regular updating.


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How to Cite
Furman, I., Gontaruk, Y., & Pronko, L. (2024). PROSPECTIVE DIRECTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATE ETHICS OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (70).

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