The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic and competitive sectors of the economy, where meeting customer needs and optimizing operational processes are key to success. In today's rapidly growing data landscape, generated from various sources such as online bookings, social media, customer reviews, and operating systems, big data analysis and analytics is becoming an essential tool for making informed decisions. The implementation of the anomaly and threat detection mode within the framework of big data analysis and analytics is a relevant and important innovation for the hotel and restaurant business in modern conditions. Modern intelligent IT technologies (classical and deep machine learning, ensemble and hybrid machine learning, distributed and cloud computing, etc.) will allow companies and corporations to effectively detect anomalies in transactions, operational activities and customer behavior. This mode of intelligent analysis of big data not only minimizes financial and reputational risks, but also contributes to increasing transparency, operational efficiency and security of corporate data. In the conditions of the modern competitive market and global crises, the use of the anomaly (and threat) detection mode within the framework of big data analysis and analytics is becoming not just an advantage, but an urgent necessity for the successful development and sustainability of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant sector in modern crisis conditions. Thus, this publication presents current scientific and practical author's results on improving the methodology, technology, and practical recommendations for an effective mode of detecting anomalies and threats in big data of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant industry, taking into account globalization, national and regional specifics, and industry characteristics. As a direction for further research in this area, the authors put forward the thesis that the use of hybrid methodology, technology and hybrid methods/algorithms (both parallel and sequential) for the identification/detection of anomalies and threats in large structured, SEMI-structured and unstructured data in the hotel and restaurant industry is a relevant and urgent direction for further scientific and applied research and implementation.
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