Основною метою даного дослідження є не лише комплексне дослідження криз у готельно-ресторанній індустрії, але і визначення специфіки та рекомендації, щодо адаптивності та таргетованості використання інноваційних антикризових методів та технологій корпораціями та компаніями в сфері готельно-ресторанного бізнесу для підвищення їх загальної ефективності, конкурентоздатності та стійкості в кризових умовах. У науковій статті обгрунтовано актуальність сучасних інноваційних підходів до антикризового менеджменту, як важливого фактору забезпечення сталості готельно-ресторанного бізнесу. Зокрема: розроблена таксономія криз у готельно-ресторанному бізнесі, проведений аналіз найбілш значимих їх кейсів, удосконалена поетапна стратегія антикризового менеджменту у готельно-ремторанному бізнесі, запропоновані інноваційні антикризові прийоми та обгрунтовані перспективні напрямки інноваційних IT технологій для подальшого впровадження в практику адаптивного антикризового менеджменту готельно-ресторанної індустрії.
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Illiashenko S., Bilovodska O., Tsalko T., Tomchuk O., Nevmerzhytska S., Buhas N. Opportunities, threats and risks of implementation the innovative business management technologies in the post-pandemic period COVID-19. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. 2022. Volume 19. P. 1215–1229.
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Krasnyuk M., Kulynych Y., Krasniuk S., Goncharenko S. Design of innovative management information system. Grail of Science. № 36. P. 237–245. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/grail-of-science
Науменко М. Сучасні концепції інноваційного менеджменту на підприємствах. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2024. № 6(34). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2024-6(34)-435-449
Hrashchenko I. and Krasniuk S. Problems of regional development of Ukraine under globaliation process. Scientific Bulletin of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Economics and management. 2015. № 11. P. 26–32.
Bondarenko, S., Robul, Y., Dyshkantiuk, O., Mohylova, A., Salamatina, S., & Komarnitskyi, I. The dynamic model of customer focus management in the hotel business based on markov chains. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research. 2020. Т. 9. №. 3. P. 1132–1139.
Hotra V. Conceptual principles of hotel and restaurant business development. Management. 2021. Т. 33. №. 1. P. 115–122.
Mashika, H., Kudrina, O., Nurgaliyeva, A., Berkova, O., Metil, T., & Novichkov, V. Competitiveness of hotel, restaurant and tourism business: factors and tools. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 36(2spl), 681–687. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.362spl16-698
Zhigulin A., Lebedenko T., Kozhevnikova V. Developing a competitiveness management model for entrepreneurial structures in the hotel and restaurant business. Technology audit and production reserves. 2022. Т. 2. №. 4/64. P. 11–15.
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Zemlina Y. et al. Ensuring the Efficiency of Service, Technology, and Management Processes in the Hotel and Restaurant Business. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 2023. Т. 19. P. 1132–1144.
Piankov V. et al. Management of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business in Ukraine. Pacific Business Review (International). 2023. P. 126–140.
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Tsviliy S., Gurova D., Kuklina T. Marketing competitiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprise: theoretical approach and methods of definition. VUZF Review. 2021. Т. 6. №. 2. P. 30.
Ushakov R. N. et al. Efficiency of hotel management. Training of specialists in hotel industry field. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. 2020. Т. 11. №. 2. P. 388–395.
Krasnyuk, M., Kulynych, Y., Tuhaienko, V., & Krasniuk, S. (2022). E-business and e-commerce technologies as an important factor for economic efficiency and stability in the modern conditions of the digital economy (on the example of oil and gas company). Grail of Science, (17), 69–81.
Науменко, М. (2024). Аналіз та аналітика великих даних в маркетингу та торгівлі конкурентного підприємства. Grail of Science, (40), 117–128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/grail-of-science.07.06.2024.013
Krasnyuk M., Krasnuik I. Big data analysis and analytics for marketing and retail. Штучний інтелект у науці та освіті: збірник тез Міжнародної наукової конференції (AISE) (01-02.03.2024 р.), Київ, 2024.
Maxim Krasnyuk, Svitlana Nevmerzhytska, Tetiana Tsalko. Processing, analysis & analytics of big data for the innovative management. Grail of Science, 38, Квітень 2024. C. 75–83. URL: https://www.journal-grail.science/issue38.pdf
Maxim Krasnyuk, Dmytro Elishys. Perspectives and problems of big data analysis & analytics for effective marketing of tourism industry. Science and technology today. 2024, 4 (32), 833–857.
Науменко М. Оптимальне використання алгоритмів глибокого машинного навчання в ефективному управлінні підприємством. Успіхи і досягнення у науці. 2024. № 4 (4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/3041-1254-2024-4(4)-776-794
Науменко М. Ефективне застосування класичних алгоритмів машинного навчання при прийнятті адаптивних управлінських рішень. Наукові перспективи. 2024. № 5 (47). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2708-7530-2024-5(47)-855-875
Krasnyuk M., Krasniuk S. Modern practice of machine learning in the aviation transport industry. Збірник наукових праць ΛΌГOΣ. Травень 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-30.04.2021.v1.63
Krasnyuk M., Krasniuk S. Comparative characteristics of machine learning for predicative financial modelling. Збірник наукових праць ΛΌГOΣ. Червень 2020. С. 55–57. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/26.06.2020.v1.21.
Krasnyuk M., Tkalenko A., Krasniuk S. Results of analysis of machine learning practice for training effective model of bankruptcy forecasting in emerging markets. Збірник наукових праць ΛΌГOΣ. Квітень 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-09.04.2021.v1.07
Krasnyuk M., Krasniuk S. Association rules in finance management. Збірник наукових праць ΛΌГOΣ. Березень 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-26.02.2021.v1.01
Науменко М. Методологія факторів-детермінантів ефективності діяльності та конкурентної позиції підприємства на ринку в кризових умовах. Наукові інновації та передові технології. 2024. № 7(35). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2024-7(35)-648-665
Hrashchenko Iryna, Krasnyuk Maxim, Krasniuk Svitlana. Iterative methodology of bankruptcy forecast of logistic companies in emerging markets, taking into account global/regional crisis. Collection of scientific works "Problems of the systemic approach in economics", vol. 1 (75) / 2020. P. 138–147. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2520-2200/2020-1-43
Krasnyuk, M., & Kustarovskiy, O. The development of the concept and set of practical measures of anticrisis logistics management in the current Ukraine conditions. Zarządzanie. Teoria i Praktyka, Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie, (1 (19)), 31–37.
Krasnyuk, M., Hrashchenko, I., Krasniuk, S., Kustarovskiy, O. Reengineering of a Logistic Company and its Information System Taking into Account Macroeconomic Crisis. Modern Economics, 13, 141–153.
Krasnyuk M., Kulynych Yu., Hrashchenko I., Krasniuk S., Goncharenko S., Chernysh T. Innovative management information system in post-crisis economic conditions on emerging markets (on the example of the oil and gas industry). Moderní aspekty vědy – Modern aspects of science: svazek XXXVIІ mezinárodní kolektivní monografie. Česká republika: Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o. C. 185–203.
Hrashchenko I. S., Khimich H. O., Khimich V. A. (2013). Ekonomichna sutnist katehorii «stratehichnyi potentsial pidpryiemstva» [The economic essence of the "strategic potential of the enterprise" category.]. Ahrosvit, № 3, pp. 45–48.
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S. Illiashenko, O. Bilovodska, T. Tsalko, O. Tomchuk, S. Nevmerzhytska, N. Buhas (2022). Opportunities, threats and risks of implementation the innovative business management technologies in the post-pandemic period COVID-19. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. Volume 19. Pp. 1215–1229.
Mykytenko, V. & Hryshchenko, I. (2008). Adaptyvna systema upravlinnia innovatsiinymy protsesamy na pidpryiemstvakh [Adaptive management system of innovative processes at enterprises]. Problems of science, 4, 32–37. [in Ukrainian]
Maksym Naumenko (2024). Modern concepts of innovation management at enterprises. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies, No. 6(34). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2024-6(34)-435-449
Krasnyuk M., Kulynych Y., Krasniuk S., Goncharenko S. (2024). Design of innovative management information system. Grail of Science. № 36, р. 237–245. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/grail-of-science.16.02.2024.
Hrashchenko I. S, Krasniuk S.A. (2015) Problems of regional development of Ukraine under globalization process. Journal of the International Humanitarian University. Series: Economics and Management. №11. P. 26–32.
Bondarenko, S., Robul, Y., Dyshkantiuk, O., Mohylova, A., Salamatina, S., & Komarnitskyi, I. (2020). The dynamic model of customer focus management in the hotel business based on markov chains. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 9(3), 1132–1139.
Hotra, V. (2021). Conceptual principles of hotel and restaurant business development. Management, 33(1), 115–122.
Mashika, H., Kudrina, O., Nurgaliyeva, A., Berkova, O., Metil, T., & Novichkov, V. (2021). Competitiveness of hotel, restaurant and tourism business: factors and tools. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 36(2spl), 681–687. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30892/gtg.362spl16-698
Zhigulin, A., Lebedenko, T., & Kozhevnikova, V. (2022). Developing a competitiveness management model for entrepreneurial structures in the hotel and restaurant business. Technology audit and production reserves, 2(4/64), 11–15.
Denysenko, M., & Budiakova, O. (2020). Features of economic development of hotel and restaurant business. Ekonomika ta derzhava, (10), 19–23.
Zemlina, Y., Peresichna, S., Oliinyk, O., Danylenko, O., Krasovskyi, S., & Vasylenko, O. (2023). Ensuring the Efficiency of Service, Technology, and Management Processes in the Hotel and Restaurant Business. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 19, 1132–1144.
Piankov, V., Kampo, I., Milashovska, O., Botsian, T., & Ivanenko, V. (2023). Management of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business in Ukraine. Pacific Business Review (International), 126–140.
Lytvynenko A., Lytvynenko O. (2021). Globalization impact on the hotel and restaurant business. International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". № 5. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2294-2021-5-7211
Yatsenko, V. (2018). Hotel and restaurant household as a complex of the tourism industry, its development and modern trends. Bulletin of the Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University. Economic Sciences, (4).
Tsviliy, S., Gurova, D., & Kuklina, T. (2021). Marketing competitiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprise: theoretical approach and methods of definition. VUZF Review, 6(2), 30.
Ushakov, R. N., Kryukova, E. M., Khetagurova, V. S., Mukhomorova, I. V., & Zelenov, V. V. (2020). Efficiency of hotel management. Training of specialists in hotel industry field. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 11(2), 388–395.
Krasnyuk, M., Kulynych, Y., Tuhaienko, V., & Krasniuk, S. (2022). E-business and e-commerce technologies as an important factor for economic efficiency and stability in the modern conditions of the digital economy (on the example of oil and gas company). Grail of Science. № 17. P. 69–81.
Naumenko, М. (2024). Analiz ta analityka velykykh danykh v marketynhu ta torhivli konkurentnoho pidpryiemstva [Analysis and analytics of big data in marketing and trade of a competitive enterprise]. Grail of Science, (40), 117–128. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/grail-of-science.07.06.2024.013 [in Ukrainian].
Krasnyuk, M., & Krasnuik, I. (2024). Big data analysis and analytics for marketing and retail. Shtuchnyi intelekt u nautsi ta osviti: zbirnyk tez Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii (AISE) – Artificial Intelligence in Science and Education: collection of theses of the International Scientific Conference, Kyiv (1-2.03.2024).
Maxim Krasnyuk, Svitlana Nevmerzhytska, Tetiana Tsalko (2024). Processing, analysis & analytics of big data for the innovative management. Grail of Science, 38, April 2024. pp. 75–83. Available at: https://www.journal-grail.science/issue38.pdf
Maxim Krasnyuk, Dmytro Elishys (2024). Perspectives and problems of big data analysis & analytics for effective marketing of tourism industry. Science and technology today, 4 (32), pp. 833–857.
Naumenko, М. (2024). Optymalne vykorystannia alhorytmiv hlybokoho mashynnoho navchannia v efektyvnomu upravlinni pidpryiemstvom [Optimal use of deep machine learning algorithms in effective enterprise management]. Successes and achievements in science, 4 (4). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/3041-1254-2024-4(4)-776-794 [in Ukrainian].
Naumenko, М. (2024). Efektyvne zastosuvannia klasychnykh alhorytmiv mashynnoho navchannia pry pryiniatti adaptyvnykh upravlinskykh rishen [Effective application of classic machine learning algorithms when making adaptive management decisions]. Scientific perspectives (special edition), 5 (47). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2708-7530-2024-5(47)-855-875 [in Ukrainian]
Krasnyuk M., Krasniuk S. (2021). Modern practice of machine learning in the aviation transport industry. Scientific bulletin ΛΌГOΣ, April 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-30.04.2021.v1.63
Krasnyuk M., Krasniuk S. (2020). Comparative characteristics of machine learning for predicative financial modelling. Scientific bulletin ΛΌГOΣ, June 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/26.06.2020.v1.21
Krasnyuk M., Tkalenko A., Krasniuk S. (2021). Results of analysis of machine learning practice for training effective model of bankruptcy forecasting in emerging markets. Scientific bulletin ΛΌГOΣ, April 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-09.04.2021.v1.07
Krasnyuk, M., Krasniuk, S. (2021). Association rules in finance management. Scientific bulletin ΛΌГOΣ, February 2021. pp. 9–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36074/logos-26.02.2021.v1.01
Naumenko, М. (2024). Metodolohiia faktoriv-determinantiv efektyvnosti diialnosti ta konkurentnoi pozytsii pidpryiemstva na rynku v kryzovykh umovakh. [Methodology of determining factors of activity efficiency and competitive position of the enterprise on the market in crisis conditions]. Scientific innovations and advanced technologies, № 7(35). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52058/2786-5274-2024-7(35)-648-665 [in Ukrainian]
Hrashchenko Iryna, Krasnyuk Maxim, Krasniuk Svitlana (2020). Iterative methodology of bankruptcy forecast of logistic companies in emerging markets, taking into account global/regional crisis. Collection of scientific works "Problems of the systemic approach in economics", vol. 1 (75), pp. 138–147. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2520-2200/2020-1-43
Krasnyuk, M., & Kustarovskiy, O. (2017). The development of the concept and set of practical measures of anticrisis logistics management in the current Ukraine conditions. Zarządzanie. Teoria i Praktyka, Wyższa Szkoła Menedżerska w Warszawie, (1 (19)), pp. 31–37.
Krasnyuk, M., Hrashchenko, I., Krasniuk, S., Kustarovskiy, O. (2019). Reengineering of a Logistic Company and its Information System Taking into Account Macroeconomic Crisis, Modern Economics, 13, pp. 141–153.
Krasnyuk M., Kulynych Yu., Hrashchenko I., Krasniuk S., Goncharenko S., Chernysh T. (2023). Innovative management information system in post-crisis economic conditions on emerging markets (on the example of the oil and gas industry). Moderní aspekty vědy – Modern aspects of science: svazek XXXVIІ mezinárodní kolektivní monografie. Česká republika: Mezinárodní Ekonomický Institut s.r.o. Р. 185–203.

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