Ensuring the competitive development of the innovative segment of the economy is one of the most important tasks in terms of transforming the trajectory of the national social and economic system. The presence of a competitive innovation segment not only ensures the sustainable development of the national economy, but also increases the level of its investment attractiveness. In turn, solving the problems of transformation of the trajectory of the national economy from traditional to innovative, as well as its modernization is impossible without sufficient funding, ie without investment in knowledge-intensive solutions, which are further embodied in products, economic and social processes. Investments, including those made in high-tech industries and segments of the national economy, should bring the investor the desired level of return at an acceptable level of risk for the latter. Therefore, the investment of investment resources should be characterized by economic feasibility and efficiency. But, as a rule, in the high-tech sphere possible unique solutions remain dormant for a long time, and this is one of the reasons why real investment in innovation is lower than expected, it is also one of the reasons for the lag of innovation segment world rates of high-tech growth and development. The second possible reason for the lack of business activity in high-tech hightech industries is the territorial distribution of investors and innovators. The author notes that the conceptual justification for the need to ensure balanced technological development is actually a model of the triple helix, and the evidence – its validity on the numerous facts of the national innovation breakthrough. Mean while, the authors of the methodology of structural analysis of technological imbalance in the national economy need to further substantiate the goals and objective softhe analysis, as well as the reasons why the hypothesis fun balanced technological grow this rejected. There is a situation in which innovations are mainly produced in the central regions, but real investment is scattered in regions far from the center. As a result, innovation and investment flows have different frequencies, are characterized by discreteness. Bringing them into a coordinated form is a non-trivial task. The solution to this problem is to create incentives to invest in the future.
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