The development of a program for the enterprise competitiveness increasing in the post-industrial era requires consideration of numerous aspects, as the changes occurring in the global business environment significantly influence corporate development strategies. Focusing on sustainable development, customer orientation and personalization, the implementation of various innovations, and new technological solutions become much more effective when supported by digital tools. The post-industrial era is characterized by a transition from traditional manufacturing processes to innovative, technological, and digital changes. The introduction of modern information technologies for automating business processes, improving management functions, and reducing costs enables companies to widely apply digital tools when developing and implementing competitive strategies and corresponding programs. The objective of this article is to characterize the processes of developing a program to enhance a company's competitiveness under post-industrial conditions and to uncover the areas of digital tool application in the implementation of these processes. The paper provides a definition of the competitiveness enhancement program as an organized set of targeted measures and outlines its features. A step-by-step decomposition of the process of developing such a program is conducted, with a focus on the use of digital tools. The content and prospects of network forms of team organization for executing competition-oriented projects or programs are defined, and successful examples of their application are presented. The negative experience of implementing competitiveness enhancement programs for products of Apple and Samsung corporations in 2024 is discussed. The article emphasizes the use of artificial intelligence functionality to strengthen companies' competitiveness. It is demonstrated that digital tools are not merely supplementary, but an effective driving force for enterprises striving to successfully adapt to the post-industrial era. The functionality of AI and the use of network organizational structures will prove beneficial at relevant stages of developing and implementing competitiveness enhancement programs for domestic enterprises.
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