Today, the global tourism and hospitality industry is in a tough competitive environment for each client and is forced to respond extremely quickly to external changes in business conditions. At the same time, despite the unstable economic and political situation in the world, the hotel and tourism business continues to develop actively. Innovations that are currently being implemented in the hotel business are considered something from the field of science fiction. But practice shows that what was considered impossible yesterday is successfully used in many implemented projects. The hotel industry is an important part of the tourism sector, the positive activity of which can activate the economy, as well as raise the image of Ukraine in the international arena. The term "hotel industry" is interpreted by scientists as a form of entrepreneurship carried out by business entities represented by hotels or similar accommodation facilities for the provision of hotel services with service. Every year the hospitality industry becomes more creative and ready to satisfy any whim of the visitor. Now the hotel is not just a place to stop, but a source of a unique experience, where the visual component, that is, design, becomes perhaps the most important. A new trend in the development of the hotel industry is the construction of rather unusual and extravagant hotels, because the expressive layout of hotel structures significantly distinguishes them from other functional profiles. COR-TEN steel has found its ideal application in the construction project of the !FEST hotel. Its unique rusty appearance creates a striking contrast with modern glass objects, and the durability of the metal is not subject to rapid wear and tear and destruction due to corrosion. Corten can serve for decades without significant deterioration of its properties, changing its appearance every day.
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