Integrating digital technologies into management accounting is critical for enterprises to navigate a market environment characterized by rapid transformation, heightened competition, and accelerated innovation. Digital solutions are recognized for elevating management accounting from a routine operational function to a strategic asset, enhancing efficiency, reducing operational costs, and optimizing decision-making processes. The academic importance of this research lies in uncovering the primary challenges and opportunities of digitalization, as they significantly influence the effectiveness of accounting practices. The study aims to investigate the specific features of adopting digital technologies in management accounting, identify and classify the challenges encountered during this process, and provide actionable recommendations for addressing these obstacles. The research methodology employs a holistic approach that combines comparative analysis, modelling, and a systematic assessment of how digital technologies influence core aspects of management accounting. The findings reveal that digitalization in management accounting supports the seamless integration of processes, enhances data precision, and accelerates decision-making. Identified challenges include insufficient digital readiness, financial limitations, inadequate employee skills, and difficulties integrating advanced technologies with legacy systems. Notably, technical obstacles, such as outdated infrastructure, are particularly prevalent among small and medium-sized enterprises. It has been demonstrated that increasing digital literacy among personnel and upgrading technical infrastructure are pivotal to achieving successful digital transformation. The study recommends initiating digital technology adoption with a comprehensive digital maturity assessment, enabling businesses to identify weaknesses in their management systems and set strategic priorities. Implementing modern platforms tailored to industry-specific requirements and targeted employee training programs can improve operational efficiency while mitigating human-related risks. Furthermore, developing advanced analytical tools is suggested to empower enterprises to forecast market dynamics, reduce potential losses, and maintain strategic agility. The conclusion emphasizes that the digital transformation of management accounting transcends process optimization, serving as a critical foundation for building sustainable competitive advantages. Future research avenues include evaluating the influence of digitalization on organizational management structures, assessing the economic outcomes of integrating digital solutions, and developing industry-specific models to address unique accounting needs.
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