The article proposes promising directions for the development of the social and labour potential of Ukraine, focused on the recovery of the economy, increasing its competitiveness and sustainable development. An analysis of changes in demand for professions under the influence of automation and globalization is carried out, in particular, the growth in demand for specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, sustainable development and business analytics. The article outlines the prospects for the development of social and labour potential for the economic recovery of Ukraine, ensuring stability and competitiveness in the face of global changes. The article examines the impact of digitalisation and innovative changes on the social and labour potential of the population, in view of the need to adapt to the transformation of the labour market in line with new challenges. The authors highlight global trends such as the spread of remote work, non-standard forms of employment and the introduction of digital technologies, which are changing the structure of jobs and requiring new approaches to human resource management. The authors identify social and labour potential as a key resource for Ukraine's economic recovery in the context of the destructive effects of war, focusing on investment in human capital, education, health and the creation of an inclusive environment. The article analyses current challenges, such as depopulation, social inequality, the digital divide and military threats, which require new approaches to the development of the labour force. In particular, the authors emphasise the need to develop digital literacy, promote lifelong learning and develop workers' adaptability and creativity. The authors suggest integrating social values into work processes and ensuring equal conditions for different population groups, including people with special needs and internally displaced persons. The study highlights the importance of creating green jobs that focus on sustainable development and use modern technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data. At the same time, the study analyses the changing demand for occupations due to automation and globalisation. It presents data on labour market trends, including the projected growth in demand for specialists in artificial intelligence, sustainable development and business analytics. The authors outline the prospects for developing social and labour potential, including supporting the innovation environment, creating digital inclusion and improving social protection.
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