The relevance of studying the interconnection between organic production and agritourism is determined by general trends in societal development, focused on healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Agritourism ensures the sale of organic agricultural products, while the places and process of their production become objects of interest for tourists. The reverse connection is ensured by increasing demand for organic products among a growing number of agritourists. Organic production and agritourism together ensure the sustainable development of the country's economy. The purpose of the presented article is to study the interconnection between organic production and the development of agritourism. In the research process, general theoretical research methods were applied: dialectical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and concretization, comparison and systematization. The presented article defines the essence of the concept of “organic production” and reveals the principles of organic agriculture. The essence of concepts such as “rural tourism”, “agritourism”, “farm tourism”, “organic tourism”, “green tourism” and “ecotourism” is clarified, and their hierarchy is described. The existence of a two-way connection between the level of organic production development and agritourism is substantiated. The main categories of domestic and foreign tourists who prefer agritourism are identified. Methods of promoting agritourism in European countries and directions for its development in Ukraine are considered. Key innovative approaches to agritourism development are outlined, including the formation of “green routes”, the creation of agricultural tourism clusters, and the organization of eco- and gastro-festivals. The results of the conducted research are of interest to scholars and practitioners involved in the issues of organic agricultural production and tourism development, particularly agritourism. The outlined directions of the interconnection between organic production and agritourism require further study and clarification.
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