Keywords: organizational culture, diagnostics, vel of organizational culture development, boundary intervals of organizational culture development


The article substantiates the necessity of diagnostics of organizational culture. An analysis of existing methodological diagnostic tools proposed by foreign and native scientists is carried out. When choosing a particular tool, in our opinion, managers of organizations should first of all be guided by the objectives of the study. It should also be noted that the effective use of certain existing tools requires the involvement of qualified specialists. In addition, some approaches are quite labor-intensive, and given that the development of organizational culture is an inertial process that requires repeated assessment of its state at different stages of formation, this can become a problem within a particular organization. Therefore, the issue of developing a simplified (not time-consuming) methodological support for diagnosing the level of organizational culture development, which does not require the involvement of experts, is becoming relevant. The study proposes the author's own methodological approach to diagnosing organizational culture based on assessing the level of development of its components. The proposed approach is based on the division of organizational culture levels proposed by E. Shane: surface (artifact level), sub-surface (self-identification level) and deep (archetype level). The weight of each level and individual criteria within the levels of organizational culture is determined by experts. The use of a 5-point scale for evaluating the criteria is recommended. The allocation of four boundary intervals of the level of development of organizational culture (low, medium, developed, high) is proposed and their characteristics are provided. The proposed methodical approach has been tested on the example of a restaurant enterprise. The proposed methodological approach to diagnosing organizational culture is quite simple and time-saving in terms of conducting research and using employees of the organization as respondents. The use of the methodology allows the organization's managers to identify the level of development of organizational culture, find out the strengths and weaknesses, determine the direction/vector of future management decisions. The proposed methodological approach is quite flexible, i.e. it can be easily modified (change the components or weight) depending on the goals and objectives of the study. Also, its use does not require the involvement of experts, and its simplicity will allow conducting research on a regular basis to track changes in the components and implement the necessary measures.


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How to Cite
Bilorus, T., & Fokina, M. (2024). DIAGNOSTICS OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: A METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH. Economy and Society, (69). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-69-23