This article delves into the evolution of leadership theories, highlighting key concepts and distinguishing between the roles of leaders and managers. It is established that leadership in modern management is a cornerstone of achieving strategic goals in organizations, yet it remains a multifaceted and challenging phenomenon. It emphasizes the critical importance of emotional intelligence, adaptability, and strategic thinking in addressing contemporary challenges. Modern approaches to understanding the nature of leadership and leadership theories are studied and organizing them by authors and key ideas. The study outlines fundamental differences between leadership and management. Leadership is characterized by the ability to inspire, motivate, and direct individuals toward shared objectives through interpersonal relationships, trust, and vision. Management, in contrast, focuses on planning, organizing, and coordinating resources to ensure operational efficiency. Effective leadership often requires integrating the qualities of both roles. Special attention is given to current challenges faced by leaders, such as managing diverse teams, building trust, and fostering ethical leadership practices. Emotional intelligence is identified as a vital component for successful team management and employee motivation. Moreover, the transformation of leadership roles is explored, with a shift towards transparency, innovation, and social responsibility. The article proposes practical recommendations to enhance leadership competencies, including continuous learning, promoting a leadership-oriented corporate culture, and adopting systematic approaches to change management. By addressing these challenges and opportunities, the study offers insights into the development of effective leadership strategies for dynamic and competitive business environments. It has been proven that the key factors of successful leadership include the ability to manage changes effectively, develop emotional intelligence, and balance authority with partnership.
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Krames, Jeffrey. (2005). Jack Welch and the 4 E’s of Leadership: How to Put GE’s Leadership Formula to Work in Your Organization. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt Limited. 256 p.
Lipman-Blumen, Jean. (2000). Connective Leadership: Managing in a Changing World. OUP USA. 405 p.
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Trompenaars, Fons, Hampden-Turner, Charles. (2011). Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. 400 p.
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