The current trends in human resource management, driven by global changes in the economic and social environment, are examined. The need for adaptation to new challenges is highlighted, particularly through the implementation of innovative HR approaches in the context of increasing competition and business digitalization. The concept of "symphonic leadership" is emphasized, which implies a team-based approach among top executives. The role of temporary employment forms is analyzed, illustrating a shift in traditional employer-employee relationships, along with the emergence of new reward systems focused on individualized motivation. The HRMIS system, developed for human resource management, is reviewed. The importance of humanities knowledge in professional activities is justified, supporting the transformation of STEM into STEAM. Focus is given to a critical factor—global population aging, which urges companies to engage older generations and extend traditional "working age" boundaries. Deloitte's consulting company research on HR trends is discussed. An example is provided of European countries where the standardized "Assessment Center" method for evaluating personnel is gaining popularity. Statistical data on the structure of public service in Ukraine is presented. Key challenges in personnel management are outlined, along with the main trends in human resource management. Additionally, the article emphasizes the importance of wellness programs, which are becoming an integral part of supporting employees' health and psychological well-being, contributing to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Furthermore, the discussion underscores the evolving role of HR as a strategic partner in organizational development, with a shift toward data-driven decision-making and enhanced employee engagement. The article suggests that continuous professional development is essential for HR professionals to navigate the complexity of modern work environments. Emerging trends such as remote work and flexible schedules are also addressed, highlighting their impact on work-life balance and employee retention.
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