Keywords: development, agrarian entrepreneurship, Black Sea region, mentoring, personnel, personnel support, strategic map, strategy


Developing rural entrepreneurship is significant for ensuring economic stability, food security, and sustainable development in Ukraine. The Black Sea region is characterized by a fairly large number of business entities engaged in agriculture. Starting in 2022, these areas were severely affected by Russia's full-scale invasion, which significantly affected agricultural production opportunities. The study analyzes the activities of the agricultural sector, which plays a crucial role in shaping the country's GDP. The development of rural entrepreneurship in the Black Sea region, which is facing challenges caused by the war, is considered. The LLC «Trading House «Danube Agrarian» activities are considered an example of adaptation to difficult conditions by introducing modern management approaches. Mentoring has been found to facilitate faster innovation, help young entrepreneurs avoid common mistakes, and provide an exchange of experience in effective farm management. Particular attention is paid to the possibilities of mentoring for developing the agricultural enterprise «Trading House «Danube Agrarian» LLC and increasing its competitiveness. A strategic map for implementing mentoring is proposed, which allows young employees to learn skills and knowledge from experienced colleagues more effectively. The strategic map of mentoring implementation includes the following elements: formulation of a vision and mission, development of goals and key performance indicators, development of key areas of action, mentoring programs (development and implementation of a mentoring program, selection, and training of mentors, individual programs for mentees, monitoring and evaluation of the program), selection of resource support, development of a communication strategy, and expected results of mentoring implementation in the company. All this contributes to strengthening the company's personnel support. The formation of a mentoring program, the establishment of key performance indicators, support with resources, and a communication strategy will ensure the competitiveness of «Trading House «Danube Agrarian» LLC.


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How to Cite
Lakiza, V., Shparyk , Y., & Yurynets, Z. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF AGRARIAN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE BLACK SEA REGION BASED ON MENTORING. Economy and Society, (68).