Keywords: innovations, management, innovative development, organizations, innovative policy, innovative potential


The relevance of research related to the management of the organization's innovative development lies in the search for effective approaches, tools and methods that would ensure the successful integration of innovative solutions into the organization's business processes. Currently, there is a need to research management approaches that can most effectively contribute to innovative development, stimulating the organization to flexibility, adaptability and stability in conditions of constant change. The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of the process of managing the innovative development of the organization and substantiate proposals for its improvement. Materials and methods. The study of the processes of managing the innovative development of the organization was carried out on the basis of the abstract-logical method. The article summarizes and proposes the improvement of management processes based on the unification of innovation policy and effective use of innovation potential. The article is devoted to topical issues of management of innovative development of the organization. The interpretation of innovative activity of organizations in normative legal acts is presented. The key aspects of managing the organization's innovative development, its stages, strategies and challenges are analyzed. The challenges and risks accompanying the innovative development of the organization were studied. Proposals for improving the management of innovative development of the organization based on unification of innovation policy and effective use of the subject's innovative potential are substantiated. The tasks and components of the innovation potential are determined in order to ensure the implementation of the organization's innovation policy. It is concluded that the management of innovative development of the organization involves obtaining a specific result, which should be evaluated from the point of view of its impact on the environment and usefulness to society. It is concluded that the management of innovative development of the organization plays a key role in ensuring its competitiveness, flexibility and ability to adapt to rapid changes in the external environment. The practical significance of the article lies in the justification of approaches to improving the innovative policy of the organization based on the full use of its innovative potential.


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How to Cite
Blishchuk , K., & Stefanyshyn , B. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION. Economy and Society, (68).