This article investigates strategic management practices for enterprise development under conditions of crises and military challenges, emphasizing their necessity for adapting to volatile environments. The urgency of the topic arises from modern global realities characterized by economic instability, political turbulence, and armed conflicts, which significantly disrupt traditional business models. These factors impose unprecedented challenges on enterprises, necessitating innovative approaches to resilience, competitiveness, and recovery. The study identifies the key risks enterprises face during crises, including supply chain disruptions, market losses, workforce shortages, heightened security costs, and limited access to financing. These issues emphasize the need for adaptive strategies capable of ensuring flexibility and quick responses to environmental changes. The research explores tools and methods that enable businesses to remain viable and pursue growth even in unstable conditions, thus converting challenges into opportunities for sustainable development. The article draws from the findings of Ukrainian researchers such as I.M. Ivanenko, O.M. Koval, and V.P. Bondarenko, whose works form the theoretical and practical foundation for effective crisis and military conflict management strategies. Their research underscores essential themes, including external environment analysis, financial stability, innovative strategies, and corporate social responsibility. This article integrates these perspectives to provide a comprehensive view of contemporary strategic management principles. The primary goal of this research is to develop scientifically grounded approaches, tools, and recommendations for enhancing enterprise resilience and adaptability in unstable environments. It examines strategic management as a system of decision-making processes that aligns organizational efforts with long-term goals to maintain competitiveness and sustainable growth. Core attributes of strategic management discussed include long-term orientation, systematic analysis, flexibility, result-orientation, and innovation. Moreover, the article emphasizes the integration of risk assessment, proactive planning, and adaptive mechanisms into the strategic management framework. This approach allows businesses not only to survive but also to exploit potential growth opportunities.
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