Keywords: innovation, innovation capital, innovation potential, accounting for innovations


The article considers the potential for representing the innovations of enterprises in the accounting and reporting system, with a particular focus on the utilisation of the categories of "innovation capital" and "innovation potential". The article is relevant insofar as innovations are an integral factor in the development of business entities, and thus become the focus of interest for a variety of stakeholder groups. The majority of stakeholders, particularly those external to business entities, can only satisfy their information needs with the assistance of open-source information or information support tools. It is therefore essential to present innovations in the system of accounting and public accounting reporting in order to guarantee the fulfilment of the information function of accounting. However, the format of representation of innovations in this system is neither imperatively nor methodologically defined, which necessitates an appropriate conceptual justification. The purpose of this study is to examine the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of the representation of innovative aspects of enterprise functioning within the accounting system, with a particular focus on the categories of "innovative capital" and "innovative potential." In the course of preparing the article, the author employs a range of scientific research methods, with a particular focus on the dialectical method of cognition. This is used to substantiate the content of the concepts under studyThe main results of the study presented in the paper include: characterisation of the relevance and necessity of the representation of innovation in the system of accounting and financial reporting; substantiation of the essence of the concepts of "innovation capital" and "innovation potential" from the point of view of accounting on the basis of the dialectical approach of scientific knowledge; argumentation of the expediency of considering innovation capital and innovation potential as separate objects of accounting and financial reporting; proposal of a list of financial reporting items that can be used by interested parties to determine and characterise the innovation potential of an enterprise. The theoretical value of the results obtained in this research lies in the formation of a conceptual basis for further substantiation of methodological approaches to the representation of innovation potential in the system of accounting and reporting of enterprises.


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