Keywords: enterprise, crisis, anti-crisis management, war, martial law, strategy, strategic development


The research addresses the unprecedented challenges businesses face in conflict zones. Military conflicts create severe, unpredictable conditions for economic activity, amplifying risks and necessitating a re-evaluation of conventional management strategies. Companies are confronted with physical threats to assets, planning uncertainties, disrupted logistics, and significant financial strain. Sustaining business viability, preserving employment, and fostering economic stability during wartime become not only priorities for individual companies but essential to national economic recovery. This study examines crisis management strategies aimed at minimizing adverse effects and ensuring business operations amid limited resources, unpredictability, and physical threats. Identifying optimal strategies for safeguarding business processes, protecting employees, and establishing alternative supply chains is critical for enterprise resilience and post-conflict recovery potential. The topic also gains relevance concerning governmental policies designed to support economic recovery post-conflict. Effective crisis management and strategic development practices observed in wartime can serve as foundations for new business models capable of navigating future crises. This research highlights adaptive strategies and tools for companies to safeguard core assets, secure personnel, and optimize resource allocation in a highly volatile environment. During wartime, crisis management encompasses a series of proactive measures tailored to swiftly address emerging threats, preserve assets, and stabilize operations. Grounded in principles of flexibility, adaptability, and agility, these strategies respond to an unstable external environment demanding rapid and unconventional approaches. In particular, wartime crisis management entails strict security measures for personnel, maintenance of logistical assets, and strategic resource stockpiling to maintain essential functions. Moreover, the study discusses strategic development directions that companies may adopt under wartime conditions, such as business model reassessment, market diversification, investment in digital and innovative technologies, and adaptive workforce strategies. Each of these aspects enables companies to respond more effectively to wartime constraints while preparing for a robust recovery and growth trajectory once stability returns.


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How to Cite
Nosan, N., Borysenko, O., & Nazarenko, T. (2024). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES DURING WAR. Economy and Society, (68).