The article is devoted to the relevance of the development of the tourism industry and the hospitality industry in the modern world. The problems and prospects for the development of tourist attractiveness in the regions have been identified. It is determined that the intensive development of branding in the modern world is due to increased mobility of people, development of tourism and hospitality industry, strengthening communication, the need to create and maintain a positive image of regions that could interest people, encourage them to visit popular places and make long-term investments. The purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of creating a brand of the region on the development of its tourist attractiveness. The article highlights the influence of branding on the formation of a positive image of the territory, increasing the level of its competitiveness and economic development. The views of prominent domestic and foreign scientists regarding the definition of the concept of «brand» are analyzed, their correlation is fulfilled and the concept of «regional tourism brand» is formed, as a set of elements that identify a tourist product or service that a particular region provides among competitors and determine their difference in tourist market. It is characterized that in modern conditions the branding of a region is the most effective tool for its dynamic positioning, in which a strong tendency emerges to define regional branding as the integrity of enduring values, exclusive and authentic characteristics of the respective territory and community, which have received universal recognition and are popular among various groups of stakeholders. Listed activities and their tools that should be used when creating a brand to influence its development of tourist attractiveness of the region. It is determined that the strategy of creating a brand of the region should be consistent with its purpose and goals, take into account regional characteristics and needs of the population, as well as be under the constant control of government agencies. In conclusion, the brand not only promotes the dissemination of information about the country or its region, but also forms public opinion about it and, consequently, contributes to its promotion and economic development.
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