The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that budgeting, which is perceived as the most important part of the strategic planning of organizations, occupies a special place among the innovative directions of financial management development. At the same time, the budgeting mechanism itself has not yet become an essential element of the planned activity of Ukrainian enterprises, in fact this technology of financial planning is still little used in the practical activities of organizations. This situation is also characteristic of cost management processes, which are the most important element of modern financial management. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of financial forecasting of expenses in budgeting at the enterprise. It is noted that budgeting should be perceived as a full-fledged management system, which includes all stages of the management cycle: goal setting, planning, organization and implementation of budgets, control, financial accounting, analysis of managerial influence on the progress of budget implementation and their adjustments. Budgeting should be assigned the role of a tool that functions as a link between the main management units: structure, production, economy, logistics, marketing, accounting and finance. The article substantiates the need and shows directions for the development of cost budgeting, considers the stages of mobile budgeting, and presents an integral indicator of evaluating the effectiveness of the general mobile budget. It has been determined that budgeting technology is more specific than forecasting technology, and budgeting results are more significant in the short term of an organization's activity: by setting priorities, budgets help ensure that resources are used in the most efficient and effective way. By comparing actual financial results against forecasted performance, businesses can assess their performance and take action as needed. Budgets, in this case, provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the forecasting system and all strategic planning systems in the organization.
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