The article examines the main legal acts governing the organization and conduct of forensic examinations and the work of experts. The structure and content of sections of the Law of Ukraine "On Forensic Science" are described, the views of scholars on issues that need to be changed and improved to create conditions for proper and effective expert support of justice and restart the entire system of forensic examinations, opportunities for forensic experts and private to work honestly transparently and in conditions of professional competition. The content of the Instruction on appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and expert research № 53/5 and the need for its improvement are described, as well as scientific and methodological recommendations on preparation and appointment of forensic examinations and expert research, regulating the main tasks of various types of examinations, indicative list of issues studied, the list of documents under study. The rights, duties and responsibilities regulated by various legal acts are studied, differences, inaccuracies and shortcomings are identified. It is proposed to expand the legal functions of a forensic economist, to represent responsibility equally in regulations, which should clearly define what violations by the expert can be committed and what responsibility he will bear. Normative acts in the field of attestation of forensic experts are studied and it is noted that there are certain gaps, unresolved issues, which leads to a long time of waiting for the results of examination by its initiators, significant workload of experts and involvement of low-skilled persons in the examination process. It is noted that the practice shows the existence and need to improve the weaknesses of the process of economic expertise in Ukraine, because it is an outstanding means of protecting the interests of individuals and legal entities, promotes effective investigation, performs a number of important tasks to identify violations of labor legislation. offenses in the organization of labor, as well as ensures the development of proposals for the prevention of negative phenomena. Currently, in the process of economic expertise there are a number of problems, to overcome which in the future it is necessary to introduce changes to existing legislation aimed at improving the regulation and organization of economic expertise. The improvements in the legal framework of forensic economic expertise presented in this study will increase the efficiency of forensic economic expertise and the work of forensic experts.
Mulyk Ya. Economic expertise in Ukraine: theoretical and practical aspects. East European Scientific Journal. 2020. № 3(55). P. 2738.
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