Keywords: situational management, enterprise management, relevant management methods, management decisions, management strategies


The purpose of the article is to study the role of situational management in the process of making managerial decisions of the enterprise and its influence on the effectiveness of managerial decisions in conditions of instability of the market and technological environment. The research methodology involves the use of an integrated approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. To study the role of situational management, a review of scientific literature and analysis of cases demonstrating the practical application of the situational approach at enterprises was conducted. System analysis methods were used to classify management situations and determine the main factors affecting the effectiveness of decision-making. A comparative analysis was also applied to evaluate the effectiveness of various management strategies in conditions of instability of the business environment, as well as modeling of possible scenarios to check the effectiveness of situational management. It was determined that in conditions of high uncertainty caused by globalization processes, economic crises and intensive development of technologies, traditional approaches to management often turn out to be insufficiently effective. It has been proven that situational management allows managers of enterprises to quickly respond to changes, adapting management strategies and tactics in accordance with the specific conditions of the business environment. The principles of the situational approach are studied, in particular, the analysis and classification of management situations, the use of relevant methods for their evaluation, as well as decision-making based on the context and features of each individual situation. It was determined that flexibility, innovativeness and adaptability are key factors in the successful application of situational management in modern conditions. The importance of situational management for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of a dynamic market environment and the ever-increasing influence of external factors has been proven.


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How to Cite
Popil, I., Khomiuk, N., & Korobchuk, M. (2024). SITUATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN MANAGEMENT DECISION-MAKING. Economy and Society, (67).

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