Keywords: innovations, waste, digestate, biogas, sugar factories, processing


The formulation of the problem consists in a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the practice of biogas production at sugar factories in order to determine its effectiveness and the possibility of forming a closed cycle of production in the agro-industrial complex. This study delves into the practical application of biogas production at sugar factories, assessing its efficacy in establishing a closed-loop production cycle within the agro-industrial complex. While previous research has explored biogas production in agriculture, a comprehensive analysis of its implementation in sugar factories and the specific benefits of a closed-loop system remains under-investigated. This study aims to fill this gap. The research highlights the advantages of biogas production at sugar factories, including reduced waste, increased energy efficiency, and the production of high-quality organic fertilizers (digestate). A case study of a Ukrainian sugar factory is presented to illustrate the economic viability and environmental benefits of such a system. The analysis demonstrates that biogas production can significantly reduce reliance on traditional energy sources, improve soil fertility, and increase crop yields. Moreover, the study underscores the importance of optimizing the application of digestate as a fertilizer, highlighting the benefits of using specialized equipment for injection and distribution. Key findings of this study include: the economic feasibility of biogas production at sugar factories; the environmental benefits of reducing waste and improving soil quality; the potential for increased crop yields through the use of digestate as a fertilizer; the importance of optimizing the application of digestate for maximum benefits.Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the potential of biogas production in creating a sustainable and efficient agro-industrial complex. The mediating role of the economic development of the agro-industrial complex has been clarified. The results of this study implement the task of sustainable development, such as improving the state of the environment through green technology innovations and achieving regional synergy in green development.


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How to Cite
Gontaruk, Y., & Revkov, O. (2024). EVALUATION OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION PRACTICES AT SUGAR FACTORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF FORMING A CLOSED PRODUCTION CYCLE. Economy and Society, (67). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-67-6

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