Keywords: green marketing, rural green tourism, SWOT analysis, resource potential


The article is devoted to the study of promising directions of introduction of elements of green marketing in the field of rural green tourism in Ukraine. In the process of analysis, the theoretical base of the study of the categorical apparatus of green marketing, carried out by both domestic and foreign scientists, is systematized, the differences in the definition of "green marketing", "marketing of the environment", "ecological marketing" and "ecological marketing" are analyzed. In the process of generalizing the foreign experience of forming a marketing strategy in the field of agrotourism, the authors have developed and proposed the most optimal algorithm for marketing promotion of ecotourism services for domestic entities of rural green tourism. The study identifies the main marketing models of development of agro -reality of Ukraine and presents directions of expansion of the range of services provided by them. The improvement of the range of services will contribute to the increase in the profitability of business activities in the field of agrotourism. SWOT analysis of rural green tourism in the Lviv region was conducted, in the process of implementing favorable and unfavorable factors of development of rural green tourism in Lviv region. Opportunities that will stimulate the development of the CCT in the Lviv region and threats will be stimulated, which will interfere with the development of the NZT in it. On the basis of the study, a set of prospective measures is presented, the implementation of which will help to improve the field under study. The necessary marketing measures are presented to be introduced into the activities of rural green tourism in Lviv region. Proposals for coordination and implementation of experience of exchange of experience with the neighboring territories of the Member States of the European Union, which have considerable experience in the field of rural green tourism. The need to take into account the experience of the countries of the European Union (Slovenia, Croatia and others), which suffered from the armed aggression of neighboring states, in particular in the field of observance of security conditions and attracting grants both at the state level and at the European Union level.


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