Keywords: investment, investment policy, investment activity, post-war recovery, business expectations


It is established that the investment policy is a system of effective instruments of influence on the national economy and business activity of economic entities. It is determined that the investment policy of the State is a set of targeted measures aimed at ensuring favourable conditions for economic entities in order to intensify investment activity, give a new impetus to economic development, increase the efficiency of national production, and solve a number of complex social problems. The author proves that the main functions of the investment policy are, first of all, examination of investment projects, determination of their list, identification of priorities for inclusion in the State programmes of socio-economic development, formation of a positive image of the country on the world stage, development and implementation of mechanisms for guaranteeing and insuring investments. The article reveals that investment policy is a component of the State economic policy and is aimed at creating conditions for effective investment activity of economic entities. The investment policy is also determined on the basis of a set of economic, legal and administrative measures aimed at improving and intensifying the investment process. The article shows that investment policy occupies an important place in the system of economic policy instruments. It is established that the investment policy is aimed at ensuring the long-term development of the economy. The investment policy envisages a system of measures aimed at generating financial resources, which will ensure the efficiency of the processes of progressive development of the economy. It is proved that the investment policy of the State is a set of macroeconomic approaches and tools that determine the directions of investment, mobilise the resources of enterprises and create a favourable investment climate through fiscal, depreciation instruments, methods of monetary regulation, and ensure institutional determinism in managing the attraction, planning and implementation of investment programmes. The article substantiates the objectives of investment policy, including ensuring sustainable economic growth, maximising the net profit of business entities, minimising investment risks at the required level of return on investment, accelerating the implementation of investment projects, optimal investment liquidity and the possibility of rapid reinvestment of capital. The directions of creation of effective mechanisms of the State investment policy are substantiated. It is established that the implementation of investment policy should be based on a number of principles, methods and tools, as well as their institutional support, with the help of which the State, ensuring the progressive development of the economy, determines the trajectory of the national economic system and influences the activities of all subjects of economic relations. It is established that one of the main tasks of investment policy is to build trust and cooperation between the state and the business environment, which forms the basis for the necessary institutional transformations.


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How to Cite
Shtan, M. (2024). STATE INVESTMENT POLICY OF POST-WAR RECOVERY. Economy and Society, (66). Retrieved from