Keywords: automation, managerial activity, digitalization, Business Process Management, software product


The article is devoted to topical issues of automation of the management process in modern conditions of the spread of digital technologies. A content analysis of domestic literature on understanding the essence of automation of management processes has been carried out, and the primary importance of software and information systems that would unite the branched divisions and directions of the enterprise has been determined. Based on the results of the analysis, has been concluded that all authors emphasize the primary importance of software and information systems that would unite the branched divisions and areas of the enterprise. The scheme of automation of management processes has been further developed by highlighting individual principles to which this automation process must comply. A list of the basic principles of the enterprise management system in conditions of digitalization has been provided. The classification of software products, which are used to automate management processes, has been received further development by expanding the list of groups according to the classification feature "by purpose". This grouping of software products is graphically depicted with the following groups highlighted: accounting, management accounting, personnel management, trade, quality management, production. The possibility of automation of personnel management functions, which includes building teams and distribution of functions, payroll, calculation of vacation schedules, formation of personnel documentation and automation of the recruiting process using the HURMA software product, has been investigated. The possibility of automating personnel management functions, starting from building teams and assigning functions, calculating wages, calculating vacation schedules, creating personnel documentation and automating the recruiting process, has been studied. It has been determined that the advantage of this form of work, according to the results of the conducted research, is the speed and volume of information that is concentrated on one platform and that can be used for a large number of tasks related to one employee.


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