Keywords: Influencers, social proof and reviews, personalised advertising, instant purchases, consumer motivations


The study is aimed at highlighting the peculiarities of the impact of social networks on consumer behaviour. The study was conducted using general scientific methods, in particular, the methods of systematisation, classification, description and generalisation, the method of comparison, as well as the methods of induction and deduction. It is determined that the main motivations of consumers when making purchases through social networks include convenience and simplicity of the process, personalised recommendations, visual content, social proof and reviews, interactive elements and promotions, ease of comparison and choice, brand and community support. It was emphasised that social proof, in particular reviews and recommendations from friends and influencers, play an important role in building trust in the product, while the convenience of instant shopping stimulates impulse purchases. It is found that the historical stages of the impact of social networks on consumer behaviour have passed through several specific periods: from the initial stage with limited functionality to the era of social marketing and the current stage of integration of advanced technologies, which has significantly increased their impact on the market. It is analysed that as of the beginning of 2024, social networks in Ukraine have demonstrated high popularity, with the largest number of users on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, which confirms their dominant status in digital communication. Social media has also become a platform for active interaction between brands and consumers, enabling instant feedback and allowing for the adaptation of marketing strategies according to the audience's needs. The author focuses on the main areas of influence of social media, including strengthening brand trust through social proof, integration of convenient.


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How to Cite
Hrechanyk, N., Shurpa, S., & Koliedina, K. (2024). FEATURES OF THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4419