Keywords: sports industry, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, innovation, digital economy


The article is devoted to the study of the essence, features and prospects of the sports industry in the context of sustainable development. It was noted that sports entrepreneurship is a dynamic and interactive environment, which involves the involvement of not only technological innovations, but also the use of modern management and marketing tools. At the same time, purposeful development of policy, understanding of the main social and economic factors that encourage sports entrepreneurship is necessary. The conceptual directions of entrepreneurship research in the field of sports are systematized and their features are noted. It was noted that most of the listed directions in one way or another touch on the concept of sustainable development as a whole, or its components, such as social, ecological and economic. At the same time, sustainable entrepreneurship in the sports industry can be considered as a unique perspective that combines the creation of economic, social and environmental value. Emphasizing the importance of applying sustainable innovations in work, it was noted that in the sports industry, entrepreneurship and innovation are key elements for maintaining competitiveness in this sector. One of the driving forces of the innovative development of the sports industry in the context of sustainable development in modern conditions is the digital economy system. At the same time, the influence of the level of development of the digital economy on the development of the sports industry shows non-linear characteristics. In addition, when analyzing the involvement of digital economy tools in the sports industry, adaptive features of the socio-economic system as a response to crisis situations should be taken into account. The development of the sports industry in the context of sustainable development requires the accelerated formation of digital infrastructure, the development of research in sports science and technology, as well as the development of regional strategies that take into account sustainability and inclusiveness. Further research should be based on quantitative analysis using modern methods of economic and mathematical modeling. In addition, there is still a need to analyze the contextual factors of sustainable entrepreneurship or innovation in sports.


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González-Serrano, M.H., Crespo, J., Pérez-Campos, C., & Calabuig, F. (2017). The importance of developing the entrepreneurial capacities in sport sciences university students. Int. J. Sport Policy Politics, 9, 625–640.

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КВЕД-2010: Група 93.1 URL: KVED10_93_1.html

CPA Definition of Sport-Version 2.0 (“Vilnius Definition 2.0”) According to CPA 20. URL: documents/6921402/0/ Vilnius+Definition+Sport+CPA2008+official+2013_09_19.pdf/ 30838d11-01ea-431f-8112-50786e187c1c

Ratten, V. (2018). Sport Entrepreneurship: Developing and Sustaining an Entrepreneurial Sports Culture; Springer: Basel, Switzerland.

Ratten, V., & Ratten, H. (2011). International sport marketing: Practical and future research implications. J. Bus. Ind. Mark., 26, 614–620.

Falt, E. (2006). Sport and the Environment. Environ. Health Perspect., 114, 268–269.

Ratten, V. (2010). Developing a theory of sport-based entrepreneurship. J. Manag. Organ., 16, 557–565.

Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., Camp, S.M., & Sexton, D.L. (2001). Strategic entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial strategies for wealth creation. Strateg. Manag. J., 22, 479–491.

EVO Company. URL:

GoogleTrends. URL: =today%205y&geo=UA&hl=ru

Muñoz, P., Janssen, F., Nicolopoulou, K., & Hockerts, K. (2018). Advancing sustainable entrepreneurship through substantive research. Int. J. Entrep. Behav. Res., 24, 322–332.

Shepherd, D.A., & Patzelt, H. (2011). The new field of sustainable entrepreneurship: Studying entrepreneurial action linking “what is to be sustained” with “what is to be developed”. Entrep. Theory Pract., 35, 137–163.

Demirel, P., Li, Q.C., Rentocchini, F. & Tamvada, J.P. (2019). Born to be green: New insights into the economics and management of green entrepreneurship. Small Bus. Econ., 52, 759–771.

Sarango-Lalangui, P., Santos, J.L.S., & Hormiga, E. (2018). The development of sustainable entrepreneurship research field. Sustainability, 10, 2005.

Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation: Categories and interactions. Bus. Strategy Environ., 20, 222–237.

González-Serrano, M. H., Añó Sanz, V., & González-García, R. J. (2020). Sustainable sport entrepreneurship and innovation: A bibliometric analysis of this emerging field of research. Sustainability, 12(12), 5209.

Rosa, W. (Ed.). (2017). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. In A New Era in Global Health; Springer Publishing Company: New York, NY, USA.

Ratten, V. (2011). International sports management: Current trends and future developments. Thunderbird Int. Bus. Rev., 53, 679–686.

Ratten, V. (2012). Sport entrepreneurship: challenges and directions for future research. International journal of entrepreneurial venturing, 4(1), 65-76.

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: Wei, X., Zhang, J., Lyulyov, O. & Pimonenko, T. (2023). The Role of Digital Economy in Enhancing the Sports Industry to Attain Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 15, 12009. doi: 10.3390/ su151512009

Patzelt, H., & Shepherd, D.A. (2011). Recognizing opportunities for sustainable development. Entrep. Theory Pract., 35, 631–652.

Lettice, F., & Parekh, M. (2010). The social innovation process: Themes, challenges and implications for practice. Int. J. Technol. Manag., 51, 139–158.

Salome, L.R., van Bottenburg, M., & van den Heuvel, M. (2013). ‘We are as green as possible’: Environmental responsibility in commercial artificial settings for lifestyle sports. Leis. Stud., 32, 173–190.

Schulenkorf, N. (2017). Managing sport-for-development: Reflections and outlook. Sport Manag. Rev., 20, 243–251.

Larson, A.L. (2000). Sustainable innovation through an entrepreneurship lens. Bus. Strategy Environ., 9, 304–317.

Choi, H., Ko, E., Kim, E.Y., & Mattila, P. (2015). The role of fashion brand authenticity in product management: A holistic marketing approach. J. Prod. Innov. Manag., 32, 233–242.

Kellison, T.B., & Hong, S. (2015). The adoption and diffusion of pro-environmental stadium design. Eur. Sport Manag. Q., 15, 249–269.

McCullough, B.P., Pfahl, M.E., & Nguyen, S.N. (2016). The green waves of environmental sustainability in sport. Sport Soc., 19, 1040–1065.

Walker, M. (2013). Does green management matter for donation intentions? The influence of environmental consciousness and environmental importance. Manag. Decis., 51, 1716–1732.

Svensson, P.G., & Seifried, C.S. (2017). Navigating plurality in hybrid organizing: The case of sport for development and peace entrepreneurs. J. Sport Manag., 31, 176–190.

Hayes, G., & Horne, J. (2011). Sustainable development, shock and awe? London 2012 and civil society. Sociology, 45, 749–764.

Meadows, D.L. et al. (1972). The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome's Project on the Predicament of Mankind. New York: Universe Books, 1972. 205 p.

Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Our common future—Call for action. Environmental Conservation, 14(4), 291-294.

Nicolopoulou, K. (2014). Social entrepreneurship between cross-currents: Toward a framework for theoretical restructuring of the field. J. Small Bus. Manag., 52, 678–702.

Dresner, S. (2008). The Principles of Sustainability; Earthscan: London, UK.

Delmas, M., Hoffmann, V.H., & Kuss, M. (2011). Under the tip of the iceberg: Absorptive capacity, environmental strategy, and competitive advantage. Bus. Soc., 50, 116–154.

González-Serrano, M.H., Crespo, J., Pérez-Campos, C., & Calabuig, F. (2017). The importance of developing the entrepreneurial capacities in sport sciences university students. Int. J. Sport Policy Politics, 9, 625–640.

Ratten, V. (2016). Sport innovation management: Towards a research agenda. Innovation, 18, 238–250.

KVED-2010: Hrupa 93.1 [Classifier of Types of Economic Activity-2010: group 93.1] Retrieved from KVED10_93_1.html

CPA Definition of Sport-Version 2.0 (“Vilnius Definition 2.0”) According to CPA 20. Retrieved from documents/6921402/0/ Vilnius+Definition+Sport+CPA2008+official+2013_09_19.pdf/ 30838d11-01ea-431f-8112-50786e187c1c

Ratten, V. (2018). Sport Entrepreneurship: Developing and Sustaining an Entrepreneurial Sports Culture; Springer: Basel, Switzerland.

Ratten, V., & Ratten, H. (2011). International sport marketing: Practical and future research implications. J. Bus. Ind. Mark., 26, 614–620.

Falt, E. (2006). Sport and the Environment. Environ. Health Perspect., 114, 268–269.

Ratten, V. (2010). Developing a theory of sport-based entrepreneurship. J. Manag. Organ., 16, 557–565.

Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., Camp, S.M., & Sexton, D.L. (2001). Strategic entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial strategies for wealth creation. Strateg. Manag. J., 22, 479–491.

EVO Company. Retrieved from

GoogleTrends. Retrieved from explore?date =today%205y&geo=UA&hl=ru

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How to Cite
Ivanov , R., Ivanov, K., & Bazyk, O. (2024). THE ESSENCE, CHARACTERISTICS AND PROSPECTS OF THE SPORTS INDUSTRY IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE . Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from