Keywords: positioning, restaurant business, coffee shop, corporate style, brand communication


The article is devoted to the study of peculiarities and approaches to the positioning of coffee shops in Lviv which in turn are elements of the territorial branding of the city. The topic's relevance is due to the significant impact of non-price marketing methods of competition in the restaurant industry. Building a strong brand in the minds of consumers provides significant business benefits, and positioning itself is the foundation of brand strategy. To achieve the set tasks, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, and comparison, as well as special branch methods, such as surveys and creating a positioning map. The theoretical aspects of positioning have been analyzed within the framework of this study: its terminological definition and development features have been outlined. According to the price level and conceptual features of the institutions, five groups are distinguished on the positioning map, which, according to the results of the survey, have close positions. High values on the scale of innovation will be given to enterprises that correspond to the trends of "third-wave coffee shops" and do not rely on a historical brand legend. Visual communication is implemented through brand colors, fonts, logos, and derived polygraphic elements. The general concept of the institution is also reflected in the architectural design, uniforms, communication style, and even musical accompaniment. An analysis of the logos of the selected coffee shops and the subject of demonstrating the signs of positioning through corporate colors, fonts, and illustrative symbols was carried out. The conducted research will be useful for restaurateurs, as well as specialists in the field of management and marketing who are planning to start or are already working in the restaurant business. Its results can be taken into account when developing a new coffee shop in Lviv or for making adjustments to the positioning strategy of already functioning establishments. Certain aspects of the publication will be relevant for those seeking education in the fields of hospitality and food technology.


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How to Cite
Chaika, I., & Dnistrianska , N. (2024). POSITIONING AND BRAND STYLE OF LVIV CAFÉ. Economy and Society, (64). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4368