Keywords: higher education, quality of higher education, challenges, risks of higher education, transformation, development priorities, martial law, post-war recovery


The article studies the peculiarities of the development of higher education in Ukraine under martial law. It was determined that the challenges for the higher education of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law are: inconsistency of the higher education system with the needs of the economy; weak integration into the global educational space; distortions in the formation of the contingent of acquirers; the unsatisfactory state of university staffing; unsatisfactory level of material and financial support; inefficiency of higher education management; threat to life and health of applicants and staff of higher education institutions; lack of opportunities for equal access to higher education, violation of the continuity of the educational process; large-scale destruction and damage to infrastructure; forced relocation of higher education institutions. Risks of higher education were classified according to the following groups: political-legal, socio-economic, financial, personnel, organizational-technical, security. It was established that in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction, the priority tasks of the development of higher education in Ukraine are: ensuring the integration of the higher education system into the world educational space; promotion of a high level of cooperation between educational and scientific institutions; formation of a system for evaluating the quality of education; improvement of financing and management of higher education; development of an innovative environment together with employers and business; forecasting labor market needs; improvement of forms of obtaining higher education; scientific and scientific and technical activities in institutions of higher education; as well as the development of smart specializations and Industry 4.0 clusters. Higher education in Ukraine faces many challenges that need to be solved, including creating conditions for learning in conditions of war and forced migration, fighting corruption, ensuring European integration processes and taking into account globalization trends.


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How to Cite
Sidletskyi, S., & Shandar , A. (2024). HIGHER EDUCATION OF UKRAINE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE MARTIAL LAW: CHALLENGES AND PRIORITIES. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-151