Keywords: tourism industry, tourism potential of communities, economic mechanism, activation of development, contribution of tourism to the budget of Zhytomyr region


The article analyzes the possibilities of carrying out an inventory of recreational and tourist resources in order to assess their condition, the presence of accompanying infrastructure, the availability of locations, and the identification of the most attractive tourist spots. The author's definition of the mechanism of activation of the tourist potential has been given, indicators of the tourist potential of communities have been singled out, and formulas for calculating the tourist potential of communities and the total attractiveness of territories have been proposed. A study of modern prospects for the development of tourism, development of mechanisms and practical recommendations for the activation of the development of domestic tourism has been carried out. On the basis of classical calculation methods in combination with the apparatus of fuzzy logic, it is proposed to estimate the total attractiveness of territories. Despite the difficult situation in the country caused by military actions, post-Covid reorientation and spatial polarization of the tourist services market, recreation and leisure activities occupy an integral place in the livelihood of the country's population. The importance of the formation of geo-informational portals and platforms for facilitating access to tourist resources and providing the possibility of independent selection of tourist locations upon individual request have been emphasized. Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of the tourist potential of communities on the example of the Zhytomyr region have been proposed. The purpose of the study is to reveal directions for the formation of a mechanism for the activation of tourist potential in order to identify and further promote existing tourist destinations, as well as the development of new tourist attractions. In the course of the study, some variants of the cost of tourist routes and their contribution to community budgets have been calculated, which confirms the possibilities of the tourism sector to influence the restoration of rural areas, provide additional jobs, and realize the creative and entrepreneurial potential of the population.


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How to Cite
Osipchuk, A. (2024). MECHANISM OF TOURIST POTENTIAL ACTIVATION. Economy and Society, (64).