Keywords: military conflict, scientific publications, bibliometric analysis, Scopus, specialized economic publication


The article presents a bibliometric study of publications devoted to the topic of the military conflict in Ukraine and placed in the Scopus database. Emphasis is placed on consideration of these events impact in terms of management levels. The sequence of stages of processing publications dedicated to the topic of the military conflict in Ukraine and placed in the Scopus database is presented. The VOSviewer program was used to create graphic images. Maps of the keywords presented in the articles were built. The map of co-authorship of scientists from different countries of the world, with similar scientific interests within the scope of the studied issues, is analyzed and graphically depicted. The dynamics of scientific publications on the issues of the military conflict in Ukraine in the Scopus database for 2022-2024 (as of January 2024) were considered. The key authors of publications on the military conflict in Ukraine in the Scopus database were determined, as well as the location of co-authors of publications by the countries. The dynamics of scientific publications on the issues of the military conflict in Ukraine in the «Business, Management and Аccounting» section in the Scopus database for 2022-2024 (as of January 2024), as well as the results of the cooperation of scientists in the process of preparing articles, were analyzed. The bibliometric analysis of publications, placed in the Scopus database, is supplemented by the analysis of the structure of articles published in 2022-2023 in domestic scientific and specialized economic publications. It showed the dominance of articles devoted to consideration of military conflict impact on the macro level. The TOP-10 journals were determined, in which 54.43% of the entire set of economic articles on the studied issues were published.


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How to Cite
Kavun, O. (2024). WAR CONFLICT IN UKRAINE THROUGH THE PRISM OF SCIENTIFIC VIEWS: BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF PUBLICATIONS. Economy and Society, (64). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-64-102