In the modern world, there is a transition from an industrial to an information society, which is characterized by the revolutionary development of information resources, which changes the system of organization and management of the economy in general and business in particular. Conditions in which firms have to operate: unpredictability of the external environment, fierce competition in both resource markets and sales markets, lack of relevant information. This confronts entrepreneurs with the task of finding new areas of activity, reorganizing their business, and making strategic decisions. One of the directions is the development of a marketing strategy based on the results of comprehensive marketing research. It is marketing research of consumer behavior that is a necessary tool for a business seeking to successfully compete in the market. Understanding consumer motivations and patterns allows companies to tailor their products, services and marketing strategies, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and increased sales. A key element of a marketing strategy is the positioning strategy, which determines how a product or brand is perceived in the market compared to competitors. It is the process of creating a unique image and identity for a product that makes it stand out from others and makes it attractive to the target audience. It is based on a deep understanding of the market, competitors and the needs of the target audience, which allows you to create a unique and attractive image message. A high state of uncertainty, hostilities in the state and the maturity of the mobile communications market lead to an increased role of marketing research in making strategic decisions. The correct definition of the target segment, its needs and motives allows a business to act effectively. The paper proposes a facet structuring of strategies. It has been determined that for a business that is not a leader in a mature, highly concentrated market, it is advisable to implement a compromise strategy. The process and results of marketing research of consumers of the Lifecell Campus service are presented. The results obtained allowed us to formulate the components of the marketing strategy and suggested the key features of the positioning strategy.
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