Keywords: tourism, tourist, logistics, tourist destination, functions of logistics in tourism, structure of tourism logistics, factors of logistics impact on the tourist destination development


The research aims to study the impact of logistics on the development of tourist destinations. It discusses the role and objectives of logistics in this context. The Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have significantly impacted the tourism industry and its logistics. The tourism industry worldwide almost fully recovered in the first half of 2024 after the Covid-19 pandemic. In Ukraine, tourism is also recovering, and despite the war, tourist tax revenues increased by almost a quarter in the first half of 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2021. The research was based on analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, and systematization methods. The study systematized and generalized the concepts of logistics levels that affect tourist destinations, logistics functions in tourism, and factors influencing the development of tourist destinations. Further research prospects involve justifying a model for the impact of tourism logistics on promoting tourist destinations.


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How to Cite
Alkema, V., & Koziichuk, O. (2024). IMPACT OF LOGISTICS ON TOURIST DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (64).