The article is devoted to the issues of choosing digital partners in the context of globalization. The aims of the article are to study the information aspect of the transformation of management systems in the context of digitalization and globalization, and also to study the problems and prospects of choosing digital partners in the context of globalization. The author emphasizes the peculiarity of digitalization of modern economic relations: not only the installation of new, modern equipment and software, but also the implementation of fundamental changes in approaches to management, corporate culture, and communication. In the period of active development of the digital economy, the digital transformation (digitalization) of an enterprise becomes a matter not only of competitiveness, but also of its survival in general. That is why it is important to study the features, problems and prospects of choosing digital partners in the context of globalization. This issue is extremely relevant, timely and important. The article uses the following research methods: abstraction, analysis, synthesis, modeling, morphological analysis. Modern globalization trends lead to the transformation of all aspects of society's life. The paper proposes a step-by-step process of establishing compatibility of digital partners for an enterprise when it enters foreign markets in the context of globalization. Domestic businesses cannot achieve significant success on the Internet using only one digital field. It is necessary to skillfully diversify this activity. Choosing reliable digital partners will help them create effective and, most importantly, customized digital solutions for a particular business, ensuring its support, development, and growth. The digital partnership system will ensure the development of strategic cooperation with global technology leaders, startups, system integrators, suppliers, consumers, and other stakeholders. Digital partnerships will allow the enterprise to effectively implement modern digital technologies, providing a reliable level of support and development of the implemented innovative solutions.
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