The article outlines the actualization using of digital and interactive technologies of industry 4.0 in the enterprise’s marketing activities, identifies the need to apply the achievements of the digital environment in the process of marketing business entities. To disclose the purpose of the study, the main areas of modern enterprise marketing were defined: advertising and promotion, sales and service, marketing research, public relations, selection and selection of markets, socio-ethical development, brand management, digital interaction, market analytics and business intelligence, innovation. Two groups of factors influencing the formation of these marketing activities of an enterprise were allocated. According to these directions, the main types of implementing digital marketing of a modern enterprise were grouped, including: enterprise website and its search engine optimization, online advertising, social media marketing, video marketing, marketing automation, contextual advertising, affiliate marketing, email marketing. It was found that due to the growing role of marketing’ digitalization, risks were also transforming and penetrating the digital environment of an enterprise, which determines the desire of enterprises to maintain a safe state, that is, the state of marketing security in general. Marketing security was defined as the state of an enterprise in which threats to the main components of marketing in the process of its implementation were controlled and do not pose a critical danger to the enterprise's activities. To this conclusion, a conceptual model of ensuring the marketing security of enterprise in the digital environment was formed, and in accordance with it, its goals and objectives were defined. The factors of influence on marketing security within the proposed model were direct factors (marketing elements defined by the 5P concept) and indirect factors (the spheres of enterprise activity related to marketing, the main of which are: commercial, information and communication activities, technical and production activities, financial condition, and image of the enterprise). Attention was focused on the need to apply agile marketing, which is a promising area for further research.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Дмитро Дячков, Владислав Бурик
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