Keywords: social networks, marketing in social networks, influence marketing, digital marketing, social network analytics


The article is devoted to determining the role of social networks in the formation of marketing strategies of enterprises based on monitoring the influence of social network platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok on consumer behavior. The effectiveness of the use of various types of advertising on the platforms, namely: videos, images, slideshows and carousels, was evaluated. Based on the results of the analysis of the potential audience and demographic indicators of users, the importance of adapting marketing approaches to the specifics of each platform has been proven. Priority is given to cooperation with popular influencers to promote brand products or services, taking into account both commercial and socially oriented aspects. The purpose of the article is to monitor and determine the characteristics of the audience in popular social networks for a better understanding of the specifics of social platforms to improve marketing effectiveness. It was determined that each social media platform requires an individual approach due to its unique audience and work mechanisms. In particular, the use of influencers on Instagram is significantly different from YouTube. Research also shows that integrating social aspects into marketing campaigns improves engagement with target audiences and increases advertising effectiveness. This is particularly evident on platforms such as Facebook, where dynamic and interactive ad formats such as lead ads and AR-based surveys show high engagement rates. Based on the results of the analysis of the potential audience and demographic indicators of users, the importance of adapting marketing approaches to the specifics of each platform has been proven. Priority is given to cooperation with popular influencers to promote brand products or services, taking into account both commercial and socially oriented aspects. The obtained results demonstrate that the integration of social aspects into marketing campaigns contributes to better interaction with the target audience and increased advertising effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Chmil, H., Novakivskyi, K., & Demydova, V. (2024). AUDIENCE MONITORING OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (63).