Keywords: IT enterprise, adaptation, mentoring, support, professional development, corporate culture, personnel management


The article is devoted to the topical issues of developing sound strategies and programs for personnel adaptation in entrepreneurship under conditions of economic, demographic, and organizational and communication challenges. The essence of personnel adaptation and its impact on the motivation and productivity of employees of enterprises, depending on the context of implementation, are considered. Obstacles in the adaptation of personnel of IT enterprises and ways to solve them are analyzed and classified. Among the main obstacles to personnel adaptation, the following are highlighted: unclear expectations regarding work; difficulties in building relationships; complex organizational structures. The main components of a comprehensive training program for the adaptation of personnel of IT enterprises are summarized. These components are: the topic of the program (company history and culture, job expectations, job duties, teamwork, company products and services); forms of education (theoretical classes, practical classes, interactive methods). It is well-founded that a personnel adaptation program can combine training in company policies, procedures, and values. The training program can combine: orientations (history, mission, values of the company; rules and policies of the company; corporate culture); on-the-job training (job duties and skills; mentoring; receiving feedback); cultural training (intercultural communication and etiquette; familiarization with Ukrainian traditions and customs; communication in an informal style); professional development (professional and social skills; conferences and seminars; access to resources for self-education). Identified the importance of providing regular feedback and mentoring to new hires to help them understand their role, responsibilities and feel supported by the team. Areas of assessment of the effectiveness of IT enterprise personnel adaptation strategies have been determined. The model for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel adaptation includes: evaluation methods (tracking the progress of new employees, conducting surveys, forming focus groups); performance indicators (staff turnover rate, labor productivity, job satisfaction).


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