Keywords: security, enterprise security, corporate security, corporation, threat, strategies


The article examines the role of corporate organizations in the global economy, focusing on their impact on innovation, employment and economic development through globalization and international trade. The complex management structure of such organizations is considered, which contains different levels of management and corporate culture, influencing the behavior of employees and their attitude to work. Strategies for solving problems of resource management and optimization of production processes are outlined. The importance of a comprehensive approach to corporate security to support sustainable development and adaptation to changing market conditions is indicated. The definition of the concept of "corporate security" is outlined as a set of strategies that are integrated into all key areas of the company to avoid threats. Involvement of risk management departments, anti-crisis management and other areas ensures effective coordination and implementation of security measures. Corporate security, as an important part of strategic management, minimizes operational stress and helps focus on development and innovation. It is important that those responsible for security understand the organizational, legal and technical aspects to reduce risks and increase competitiveness. Modern technologies such as the Internet of Things bring new challenges to the field of cyber security, requiring continuous updating of protective strategies. The article describes in detail five main risks that have a long-term and significant impact on corporate security. In particular, cybercrime, insider threats, physical attacks, lack of regulatory compliance, and supplier-related risks are addressed. It is important that corporate security acts not only as a response to potential threats, but also as a strategic advantage that allows companies to focus on development and innovation. The need for an integrated approach and regular updating of security procedures is emphasized in order to cope with dynamic changes in the modern business environment and ensure comprehensive protection of the company.


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How to Cite
Kohut, M., Sodoma , R., & Romaniv, V. (2024). FUNDAMENTALS OF SECURITY MANAGEMENT IN CORPORATE-TYPE ORGANIZATIONS. Economy and Society, (63).