Keywords: financial instruments of development, territorial communities, subventions


The article is devoted to the analysis of financial instruments of development of territorial communities. The tools of the development of territorial communities are: subventions for the formation of the infrastructure of united territorial communities, subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the implementation of measures for socio-economic development of individual territories and subventions for the implementation of investment projects. These subventions are considered as tools for the development of the territorial community, as they provide for the promotion of economic development of the community and their active participation in projects, interest in financial results. The mechanism of realization of the specified financial instruments, essential characteristics of each of instruments and conditions of their granting are defined. The main conditions for receiving subvention funds are: directing to the financing of projects in accordance with the plan of socio-economic development of the territorial community; focus on investment projects; focus on the creation, growth or renewal of fixed assets of territorial communities; taking into account the needs of different social groups, women and men, people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups; ability to co-finance and further maintain at the expense of local budgets fixed assets of communal property, which are financed by the subvention. The directions of use of budget funds for these subventions are systematized. Among the legally defined areas of use of funds are: development of community infrastructure, improving the quality of administrative services, reconstruction and new construction, implementation of environmental measures, increase or renewal of fixed assets of communal property, repayment of local budget debts, implementation of socio-economic development measures regions, etc. The main weaknesses of the implementation of these tools оf the development of territorial communities at the present stage have been identified. The directions of improoving for territorial communities are offered, its will give the chance to receive financial support from the state in the future, in particular: providing with necessary project experts; reorientation of local governments to projects of economic, investment, innovation orientation; coordination of projects of territorial communities with the regional development strategy and the State strategy of regional development until 2027.


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