Keywords: private enterprise, enterprise value, enterprise value management, approaches to enterprise value management, value assessment


In today's market economy, private enterprises play an important role in the development of the country's economy. They create jobs, foster innovation and make a significant contribution to GDP. However, effective management of the value of private enterprises remains a complex task that requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of many factors. Enterprise value is determined not only by financial indicators but also by intangible assets, such as reputation, intellectual capital, technological level, and innovation potential. Insufficiently effective value management can lead to a decrease in investment attractiveness, loss of competitive advantage, and even bankruptcy. The aim of the work is to study and improve the theoretical foundations of enterprise value management in the modern market. The main results of the study are the formation of the main approaches to managing the value of private enterprises from the point of view of the owner, which include: financial, investment, innovation, strategic, corporate governance, customer-oriented, environmental and social, and risk management. The disadvantage of enterprise value management in Ukraine is the characteristic unstable stock market and the lack of general confidence in the stock market, which is considered the most risky among stock markets. From the point of view of the owner, an important problem is the lack of understanding of the importance of managing the value of a private enterprise, since their view is mostly focused on production and rational allocation of funds. The proposed areas of improvement presented in the article will help to increase the level of capitalization and investment attractiveness of Ukraine. The practical value of the study is quite high, especially for owners of private enterprises. In particular, modern approaches to enterprise value management are presented, which can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise in the market, allowing it to better meet the needs of consumers and stay ahead of competitors. Nevertheless, these aspects are extremely useful and practically valuable for a wide range of professionals and business stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Kudrytskyi, Y. (2024). VALUE MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE COMPANIES. Economy and Society, (63).