Keywords: investment potential, agribusiness enterprises, investment management, investment, development, risk management, enterprise, efficiency, state incentives, innovations, processing, biofuels


The purpose of the study is to determine the main problems of managing the investment potential of agro-industrial complex enterprises and to develop recommendations for their solution. The article uses the methods of analytical generalization and systematization of scientific literature, as well as empirical research based on the study of the practice of managing the investment potential of agribusiness enterprises. The article examines the problems and prospects of managing the investment potential of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (APC) of Ukraine. It was determined that the management of the investment potential of agribusiness enterprises is a key factor in their sustainable development and competitiveness. However, in practice, many agribusiness enterprises face a number of unsolved problems that hold back their investment potential. As a result of the study, it was determined that the main problems of managing the investment potential of agro-industrial complex enterprises include: insufficient understanding of investment potential, lack of a clear investment policy, ineffective system for evaluating investment projects, insufficient access to financing, high investment risks, ineffective investment management system, lack of qualified personnel .Management of the investment potential of agribusiness enterprises is a key factor in their sustainable development and competitiveness. Solving unresolved problems in this area will allow agribusiness enterprises to fully realize their investment potential and achieve success in the market. In order to intensify mortgage lending of agricultural land in Ukraine, it is proposed to create a land investment company "Investment and Land Company". This company will act as: an operator on the agricultural land market in the regions, a provider of economic and legal services in the field of land relations, including in agriculture. The main tasks of the "Investment and Land Company": development of methodological recommendations for agreements on the agricultural land market, provision of information and legal support for these agreements, creation of a favorable legal and economic environment for the functioning of the land market, protection of the rights of owners and tenants of land plots, legal regulation of their relations with investors who invest in the agrarian sector of the region. In order to fulfill these tasks, the "Investment and Land Company" is proposed to be granted the right to: conduct mortgage and collateral operations, to attract funds from the state and local budgets, as well as commercial banks, on a loan basis. To solve the unresolved problems of managing the investment potential of agro-industrial complex enterprises, it is recommended to: conduct a detailed analysis of the investment potential of the enterprise, develop a clear investment policy, implement an effective system for evaluating investment projects, ensure access to financing, develop an investment risk management strategy, implement an effective investment management system, improve personnel qualifications .


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How to Cite
Baldynyuk, V., & Baldynuk, V. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF AGRICULTURE ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (63).